The results are in for this year’s Dhall survey, which you can find here:
Dhall 2025-2025 Survey - Visually nicer, but requires completing the survey
Dhall 2025-2025 Survey - Spreadsheet - If you haven’t completed the survey
什么是全球加速_产品简介_全球加速-阿里云:2021-5-19 · 全球加速会为每个接入加速区域的地域分配一个加速IP,客户端流量通过加速IP就近从接入点进入阿里云加速网络。进入阿里云加速网络后,全球加速可伡智能选择路由并自动完成网络调度,然后把客户端的网络访问请求送达至最佳终端节点,避开公网的拥堵,达到减少时延的效果。
- 网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能伢选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最伢的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速
Note that I will not include all write-in responses, but you can consult the above links if you want to read them all. I will only highlight responses that are representative of clear themes in survey feedback. I am also omitting praise from this summary (which I greatly appreciate, though!), because I would like to draw attention to what needs improvement.
跨境电商网站租用高防CDN加速,更快、更安全!-行业新闻 ...:2021-6-15 · 4、全球节点分布 就像京东在各地仓库就近发货一样,高防CDN可伡让访客迅速连接上与其更近的节点,加速访问网站,CDN缓存更是进一步的提高网站访问速度和减轻网站服务器压力和提高网站服 …
腾讯网游加速器软件下载-安卓版腾讯网游加速器app免费下载 ...:2021-6-15 · 腾讯网游加速器软件特征 1.独享专线低推迟 独享金融级专线,腾讯国内外尖端IDC机房 极致加快,离别推迟 2.智能节点超安稳 智能线路挑选,腾讯独家伢化计划 全天候保证您的链接安稳 3.全球掩盖超速度 全球5大洲机房,800+节点布置 加快作用更好,兼容更广
9 (14.3%)
- Never used Dhall
13 (20.6%)
- Briefly tried Dhall
11 (17.5%)
- Use Dhall (but only for personal projects)
11 (17.5%)
- Use Dhall at work (but only me)
19 (30.2%)
- Use Dhall at work along with coworkers
旋风加速器xf9. im
- Never used it
22 (36.7%)
- Briefly tried it out
11 (18.3%)
- Use it for my personal projects
19 (31.7%)
- Use it at work
1 ( 1.7%)
- Write in: Trying to convince work people to use it
免费全球节点加速器:2021-6-9 · 免费全球节点加速器可伡加密您的数据,并安全地将您连接到任何网站或移动应用程序。免费VPN通过我伞的安全服务器引导您的数据流量,确保您的安全。您的个人IP地址是隐藏的,这样您就可伡免费浏览互联网,而无需在未经许可的情况下向任何人透露您的位置。
The most likely reason for the smaller number of responses was the greater length of the survey. This will also likely influence the distribution of responses since people more interested in Dhall will be more motivated to complete this year’s longer survey. Next year I will probably trim the survey down again in order to gather a larger sample size.
Even taking that into account, the number of respondents using Dhall at work grew in absolute terms.
This year’s survey added a new category to distinguish whether people using Dhall at work were doing so alone or alongside their coworkers. I was pleased to see that Dhall users do not appear to have difficulty persuading their coworkers to use Dhall.
What do you use Dhall for?
网易UU加速器老版本手机客户端下载-网易UU加速器 老版本 ...:今天 · 多节点智能伢选,为你带来极速的游戏体验,今天为大家推荐《网易UU加速器 老版本》。这是一款为游戏打造的实用智能加速软件,软件会更据当地的网络情况自动选取最伢的加速节点,降低卡顿,杜绝卡屏,且软件界面清新无广告,需要的朋友记得下载网易UU加速
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deployment configs and secrets management
Higher-level common configuration from which tool configuration is derived.
project configuration (CI, K8s, etc) & templating
Generating ECS task definitions
SRE/DevOps related configuration
Kubernetes mostly + some glue config with AWS
Kubernetes config
Mostly for kubernetes cluster configuration.
Configuration of my custom build system
Concourse Pipelines
publish interfaces for Ansible roles to make their usage easier through Dhall based config
Simple configuration for Haskell app, prototype kubernetes cluster config
Generate the yaml passed to –values for helm. Some gitlab ci configuration.
Application server configuration, database replacement
Setting up Docker Compose files for parts of our product to be used for automatic testing.
Configuration of application in kubernetes
Generating yaml and build files
G-Core Labs免费CDN加速-日本韩国香港美国等全球加速 ...:2021-10-17 · 3.2 全球加速效果 Gcorelabs CDN在韩国、日本、香港、美国、欧洲等地设置了CDN加速节点,系统会根据就近原则将用户引导到最近的访问节点,从而加快访问速度。(点击放大) 3.3 国内加速 …
Built bitbucket pipeline typing. Also internal configuration for a pdf-filler application.
Ansible config
For configuration and build utility (combinded with Shake)
Package definitions for a Linux ports tree builder I was building
Customer-specific configuration files
My favorite response was:
Dhall is the configuration format for my company’s product
However, there were still a few responses that didn’t fall into one of the DevOps use cases:
Defining a schema for metadata
Configuration of a personal chat bot, dhall-cabal,
Game data, templating LaTeX, canonical source of truth (upstream of JSON) for Elm apps.
Configuration for personal projects and generating DBC files at work
One surprising result was that only person wrote in Spago (PureScript’s package manager) as how they used Dhall:
PureScript through spago
… even though 7 survey respondents reported using Spago in a subsequent section! In fact, 5 of them wrote in completely different use cases for Dhall. This suggests a potential issue with the survey design: people might have chosen not to write in answers that were already covered by subsequent questions.
Other responses simply noted that Dhall is a programmable configuration language:
Adding a small amount of automation to config generation
Move non-turing-complete data out of config/programs, declarative programs that get interpreted as data
Generate yaml configuration files
configuration of programs written in haskell
One of the things we do periodically is refine our “pitch”, based on feedback from users (including, but not limited to, these surveys). This section covers reasons to use Dhall in users’ own words when they answered:
Why do you use Dhall?
One of the most interesting answers to me was from the same respondent who said that Dhall was the configuration format for their company’s product. In their own words:
Because YAML is horrible. Because having multiple configuration files for a single product is horrible and dhall is the best “big config file” format.
The above pitch must be pretty compelling for a company to embrace Dhall to that extent. In fact, the latter half of the pitch is fairly similar to the one currently used by dhall-lang.org, focusing on Dhall’s suitability for configuration “in the large”, although we’ve recently de-emphasized replacing YAML specifically. Several commercial users provided input into that branding (and one of them could have been the same person who left the above feedback).
Being a “big config file” format can imply many different virtues, but in my experience users usually mean the the following programming language features:
- Types (to reduce errors at scale)
- Functions (to avoid repeating one’s self)
- Imports (to have a single source of truth that one can import)
- Integrations (to unify disparate configuration formats)
… and several responses were related to these “scale”-related reasons to adopt:
Consistent typing across deployment configs and environments
strong types, functions and remote (decentralised) importing
Type safety, avoid writing yaml by hand
It allows us to provide a function via environment variable
山猫加速器:山猫加速器海量服务器资源,全网部署有上千台服务器,能帮您智能选择速度最快的服务器,同时您也可伡手动链接指定服务器,覆盖全网上千个节点, 秒级切换 高速 高匿 和全天候的稳定体验
It replaced a lot of redundant JSON configs; adding new services is a lot quicker now, and cross-cutting changes less painful
全球加速联动WAF和GTM实现企业ERP应用加速 - 最佳实践 ...:2021-6-10 · 全球加速联动Web应用防火墙(WAF)和全局流量管理(GTM)实现企业ERP管理系统加速,基于云安全大数据能力,同时依托阿里巴巴伢质BGP带宽和全球传输网络,实现全球网络就近接入和跨地域部署,为企业ERP管理系统提供一套高安全的跨地域 ...
Type safety, safe imports, no YAML indentation madness.
To help reduce code duplication and avoid errors in the values and keys of configuration filez. Mainly used it so far to help setup a more maintainable set of Kinect clusters and users for myself, which also made it easier to add.
It has a strong type system
Type-safety, the ability to move a lot of logic/formatting (e.g. in templating) into Dhall proper, the ability to represent ADTs/union types.
Because i can abstract boilerplate
It provides a sane language for configuring systems (with types and abstraction)
全球加速联动WAF和GTM实现企业ERP应用加速 - 最佳实践 ...:2021-6-10 · 全球加速联动Web应用防火墙(WAF)和全局流量管理(GTM)实现企业ERP管理系统加速,基于云安全大数据能力,同时依托阿里巴巴伢质BGP带宽和全球传输网络,实现全球网络就近接入和跨地域部署,为企业ERP管理系统提供一套高安全的跨地域 ...
Abstract useful config + defaults
Doesn’t have the weird gotchas of yaml. Possible to make DRY config files.
The main reason has been to decrease duplication.
type safety
薄荷加速器下载-薄荷加速器官方免费下载-PC下载网:2021-10-23 · 薄荷加速器是一款非常好用的网络加速软件,薄荷加速器可支持游戏、网站、视频、音乐、直播、APP等多方位的加速需求。感兴趣的小伣伴可在pcsoft下载站免费下载体验。
Strong type safety
I like the ability to evaluate expressions, value substitution
Strong types and non-repetitive abstractions. Ease of publishing modules
雷神加速器 - 看国内视频 听国内音乐 回国加速器 【官方网站】:雷神加速器帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制;出国留学旅游使用国内IP上网;支持腾讯视频、乐视视频、搜狐视频、爱奇艺、PP视频、哔哩哔哩(B站)、伢酷视频、土豆视频、芒果TV、华数TV、QQ音乐、企鹅FM、全民K歌、网易云音乐、虾米音乐、豆瓣FM、喜马拉雅、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐、咪咕音乐、NBA、世 …
it’s typed and avoids repetition
Not repeating common parts of configuration (like Kubernetes YAML hell)
腾讯网游加速器软件下载-安卓版腾讯网游加速器app免费下载 ...:2021-6-15 · 腾讯网游加速器软件特征 1.独享专线低推迟 独享金融级专线,腾讯国内外尖端IDC机房 极致加快,离别推迟 2.智能节点超安稳 智能线路挑选,腾讯独家伢化计划 全天候保证您的链接安稳 3.全球掩盖超速度 全球5大洲机房,800+节点布置 加快作用更好,兼容更广
It’s non-Turing-complete, but allows imports and static typing
It’s convenient and provides a good power-to-weight ratio
Only non-turing-complete config language that is based on a lambda calculus (and is modern/not a hobby project)
Because it won’t crash at runtime (totality)
It is by far the most well-wrought typed configuration language
什么是全球加速_产品简介_全球加速-阿里云:2021-5-19 · 全球加速会为每个接入加速区域的地域分配一个加速IP,客户端流量通过加速IP就近从接入点进入阿里云加速网络。进入阿里云加速网络后,全球加速可伡智能选择路由并自动完成网络调度,然后把客户端的网络访问请求送达至最佳终端节点,避开公网的拥堵,达到减少时延的效果。
It’s a nice config language
It’s quick, compact and type-safe
simple but effektive system f, i like that
Others explained the motivation in terms of the current solution they were struggling with and trying to replace (commonly YAML):
To make sense of this pile of configuration mess
Verifying and reading through our combo of custom scripts, chef, and other solutions was a nightmare
so I don’t need to create my own configuration language and other existing ones suck more (json, yaml, that weird python thing…)
Because YAML and database were not the choices
For all the benefits over YAML
better helm-templates
This year we asked people what needed better documentation to see if there were any blind spots in our current coverage:
What needs better documentation?
Like last year, people most commonly requested documentation on best practices and design patterns:
Recursive things. (This has been discussed on Slack somewhat.)
I’d love a manual on best practices and a contributing guide to the Haskell implementation
The prelude/standard library, or rather, surfacing documentation centrally in browsable form
How to create defaults, for records with optional values. How to design types with backward compatibility in mind.
Nested record updating, though the blog post shows some improvement here with the default types :: syntax.
How to make use of dhall at the peripheries of a large project.
How to deal with generated files (!), e.g. CI yaml config; how to include dhall projects into nix configs (dhallToNix); best practices for pre-caching imports
Imports section could be a bit more extensive like import prelude, import private repos (GitHub, BitBucket), multi imports. currently the information is scattered around various pages.
Perhaps patterns. For example, we have { a :: ty1, b:: Maybe ty2} and want users to be able to write { a = val } without b = None or default \ { a = val }
(this is probably because I didn’t google it properly), how to properly deal with freezing and updating hashes
Best practices and real-world examples. I’d love to use something like Dhall for managing configuration at work, but it’s very hard to tell if it will handle my usecases well, and it’s hard to dive in and try it out because I don’t know if I’m doing it right
We have made progress on that front in two forms:
The 使用网易UU加速器时如何挑选合适的加速节点-百度经验:2021-5-25 · 使用网易UU加速器时如何挑选合适的加速节点,网易UU加速器每款游戏的加速都有较多的区服、模式、节点的选择,各有不同。因此,我伞需要根据自己的实际情况来进行加速节点的选择,伡求达到更好的加速效果。下面就告诉大家怎么找到适合自己网络的节点!
This manual was created as a series of how-to guides for common tasks and idioms related to the language. Feedback from these surveys helps inform what topics I choose for each chapter.
Some design patterns became language features
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In fact, several improvements year (and some currently in progress) are directly inspired by my work on the book. Any time I describe a workflow that seems too painful I make changes to the language, tooling, or ecosystem to smooth things over.
Besides the book, the thing most likely to improve over the coming year is packaging, documenting, and discovering new Dhall packages. For example, I just created a Google Summer of Code project proposal for a student work on a documentation generator for Dhall packages:
- Proposal: Documentation generator for the Dhall configuration language
The second most common request was to improve documentation for the core language features:
Still not sure how the merge
keyword works.
i somehow have trouble finding the doc page about record operations and iirc the record projection thing where you take the a subset of a record’s field is not included in the page listing records operations
Importing of other files
The introduction to FP. Lots of devs work in Go, Ruby, etc and need help thinking about polymorphism with sum types. Also more clarification on the 免费ssr节点2022
syntax in early guides and an explanation on why you need :let in the repl.
I tend to have a hard time finding comprehensive info on syntactic features and end up hearing about them on guthub issues
Common errors like “-/+” syntax, “not a function”
the type system
This is understandable because the closest thing Dhall has to a complete resource on this is the Haskell implementation’s tutorial:
- Haskell tutorial for Dhall
One of my short-term goals is to translate this into a language-independent tutorial.
There is an existing language-independent tutorial for translating Dhall to JSON:
- Getting started: Generate JSON or YAML
… but that doesn’t cover all of the language features like the Haskell tutorial does.
Which language bindings do you currently use?
37 (84.1%)
- Haskell
6 (13.6%)
- Bash
5 (11.4%)
- Nix
3 ( 6.8%)
- Ruby
2 ( 4.5%)
- Rust
1 ( 2.3%)
- Golang
- Swift
0 ( 0.0%)
- Clojure
0 ( 0.0%)
- Eta
- Java (via Eta)
The number of Haskell users is not surprising given that the Haskell implementation also powers the shared command-line tools, like dhall
. Many Dhall users do not use Haskell the language and instead use the Haskell implementation to generate JSON or YAML from Dhall while waiting for a language binding for their preferred language.
I think the one response for Swift might have been a mistaken answer intended for the next section. As far as I know there currently are not Dhall bindings to Swift (not even ones in progress).
One of the interesting take-aways from the above question is that the JVM is one of the areas where Dhall is not being used as a native language binding despite existing bindings. I get the impression that most JVM users are waiting for Java/Scala bindings.
Desired language bindings
Which language bindings would you like to see get more attention?
17 (39.5%)
- Python
12 (27.9%)
- Scala
11 (25.6%)
- PureScript
9 (20.9%)
- JavaScript
7 (16.4%)
- Go
7 (16.3%)
- Java
3 ( 7.0%)
- C++
3 ( 7.0%)
- Elm
2 ( 4.7%)
- C#
2 ( 4.7%)
- Kotlin
旋风加速器xf9. im
- Rust
1 ( 2.3%)
- Swift
1 ( 2.3%)
- TypeScript
1 ( 2.3%)
1 ( 2.3%)
- Perl
1 ( 2.3%)
- C
- A C/Rust library so all the other langs can bind to
Python is an interesting response because at one point there was progress on a Python binding to Dhall, but that stalled out.
The demand for Python makes sense because Python is used heavily in Dhall’s primary use case (CI / CD / Ops), alongside Go. In fact, Go was listed as well, although possibly not mentioned as often due to the Go binding to Dhall being far closer to completion.
In fact, the Go binding just announced the first release candidate for version 1.0.0:
- 腾讯加速器下载-腾讯加速器最新版下载-华军软件园:腾讯加速器最新版是款适用于手游所打造的游戏加速工具。腾讯加速器官方版解决手游游戏过程中的延迟、掉线问题,极速网络,保障网络稳定性。腾讯加速器支持多款现在很热门、流行的游戏的国际服务加速,让用户玩游戏更快速,其还支持的游戏伡多,包括王者荣耀、和平精英、PUBG、Fate_Go等。
Note that survey respondents preferred bindings in functional languages over their more widely used imperative counterparts. For example, there was greater demand for Scala compared to Java and greater demand for PureScript compared to JavaScript. This might owe to Dhall’s functional programming heritage.
A few survey respondents appear to not be aware that there is a complete 免费网络节点加速器 now available. This is understandable, though, given that the Rust binding only officially announced recently.
Which of the following integrations do you use?
26 (63.4%)
- JSON (via dhall-to-json
- YAML (via dhall-to-yaml
10 (24.4%)
- Kubernetes (via 全球节点加速器
7 (17.1%)
- JSON (via Prelude.JSON.render
7 (17.1%)
- purescript-packages
(via 全球节点加速器
5 (12.2%)
- YAML (via Prelude.JSON.renderYAML
3 ( 7.3%)
- Cabal (via dhall-to-cabal
- Write-in: Nix (via 节点加速器
0 ( 0.0%)
- XML (via dhall-to-xml
0 ( 0.0%)
- XML (via Prelude.XML.render
0 ( 0.0%)
- TOML (via JSON)
The thing I take away from the above numbers is that a large number of people would still benefit from language bindings and they currently work around the absence of a language binding by generating JSON/YAML.
Desired integrations
跨境电商网站租用高防CDN加速,更快、更安全!-行业新闻 ...:2021-6-15 · 4、全球节点分布 就像京东在各地仓库就近发货一样,高防CDN可伡让访客迅速连接上与其更近的节点,加速访问网站,CDN缓存更是进一步的提高网站访问速度和减轻网站服务器压力和提高网站服 …
22 (68.8%)
- Terraform
11 (34.4%)
- Docker Compose
9 (28.1%)
- Prometheus
4 (12.5%)
- Packer
2 ( 6.3%)
2 ( 6.3%)
- Concourse
2 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Ansible
1 ( 3.1%)
- GoCD
- Write-in: Grafana
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Nix, Nixops
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Dockerfile
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Google Cloud Builder
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Travis
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Vault
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: GitHub Actions
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Drone CI
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: CloudFormation
- Write-in: Jenkins
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: TOML
1 ( 3.1%)
- Write-in: Bitbucket pipelines
Terraform was far and away the most requested integration. One of the interesting challenges about this potential integration is figuring out what is the right way to integrate Dhall with Terraform because Terraform has its own programming features (like a DSL for defining function-like modules).
Which of the following Dhall packages do you use?
32 (100.0%)
- Prelude
4 ( 12.5%)
- dhall-packages
(Dhall monorepo)
1 ( 3.1%)
- hpack-dhall
- github-actions-dhall
(GitHub Actions bindings)
1 ( 3.1%)
- dhall-terraform
(Terraform bindings)
- dhall-semver
(Semantic versions)
1 ( 3.1%)
- dhall-concourse
(Concourse bindings)
1 ( 3.1%)
- dhall-bhat
(Haskell type classes in Dhall)
1 ( 3.1%)
- dada
(Recursion schemes)
0 ( 0.0%)
- dho
(CircleCI bindings)
0 ( 0.0%)
- dhallql
(Query language)
0 ( 0.0%)
- dhallia
(Dhall as an IDL)
0 ( 0.0%)
- cpkg
(C package manager)
0 ( 0.0%)
- 免费网络节点加速器
(Category theory)
Unsurprisingly, most people use the Prelude. The thing that did catch my eye was how many respondents used dhall-packages
(mainly because I hadn’t realized how fast it had grown since the last time I checked it out).
appears to have the potential to grow into the Dhall analog of 免费全球节点加速器, meaning a repository containing useful types and predefined recipes for deploying Kubernetes services. I can see this repository easily giving Dhall a competitive edge in the Kubernetes space since I know quite a few people are looking for a Helm alternative without the headaches associated with templating YAML.
ASCII vs Unicode
dhall format
tries to be as opinionated as possible, but currently permits one way to customize behavior: the tool can either emit Unicode symbols (e.g. λ
, →
, ∀
) or ASCII symbols (e.g. \
, ->
, forall
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Do you prefer to input ASCII or Unicode symbols in your editor (before formatting the code)?
58 (93.5%)
4 ( 6.5%)
- Unicode
… but on the other two questions people split pretty evenly, with a slight preference for Unicode:
24 (42.9%)
- Unicode
22 (39.3%)
- I don’t format my code
- Other
28 (50.9%)
- Unicode
25 (45.5%)
2 ( 3.6%)
- Other
What’s interesting is that you get clearer preferences when you slice the data by how much people use Dhall.
For example, people who have never used Dhall or briefly tried Dhall prefer ASCII by roughly a 3-to-1 margin:
10 (66.7%)
3 (20.0%)
- I don’t format my code
2 (13.3%)
- Unicode
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12 (75.0%)
4 (25.0%)
- Unicode
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How do you format your code?
22 (55.0%)
- Unicode
11 (27.5%)
4 (10.0%)
- Other
3 ( 7.5%)
- I don’t format my code
Do you prefer to read Dhall code that uses ASCII or Unicode symbols?
23 (60.5%)
- Unicode
13 (34.2%)
2 ( 5.3%)
- Other
There are several possible ways to interpret that evidence:
Perhaps Dhall could expand its potential audience by formatting ASCII
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Perhaps there is a “founder effect” since originally dhall format
only supported Unicode
Either way, I don’t plan on making any changes to dhall format
immediately, but I will use this data to inform future formatting discussions on Discourse.
One person also added Unicode-related feedback in the “Other feedback” section:
I feel strongly that unicode symbols are not worth supporting indefinitely, as they typically can’t be typed and add mental overhead when reading. The symbols themselves also have a mathematical bent, which can be intimidating for those not well versed in math / logic programming.
Would anything encourage you to use Dhall more often?
Language bindings:
I wish there was a good way to do nix through dhall, but I don’t have any good suggestions.
something like the dhall Haskell library for purescript
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Scala/JVM bindings (Eta is suboptimal & unmaintained) …
python bindings
Successfully getting my work on board with it (which means having a perfect golang integration)
Getting more bindings for things I use
better docs; bindings for the JVM languages
Bindings on other languages (hard to get people to contribute on a project using the Haskell impl)
Better Python support, so I can sell it to colleagues who use Python.
Better (documented) language bindings.
全球加速联动WAF和GTM实现企业ERP应用加速 - 最佳实践 ...:2021-6-10 · 全球加速联动Web应用防火墙(WAF)和全局流量管理(GTM)实现企业ERP管理系统加速,基于云安全大数据能力,同时依托阿里巴巴伢质BGP带宽和全球传输网络,实现全球网络就近接入和跨地域部署,为企业ERP管理系统提供一套高安全的跨地域 ...
More libraries / packages. I think dhall needs a richer ecosystem. In particular i’d love complete terraform bindings and more kubernetes packages (a la helm)
First class Kubernetes, Terraform, Vault, Ansible integration.
When I looked at Dhall most recently, it wasn’t obvious to me that an ecosystem of packages was springing up around it. Might want to add a link (or a more prominent one if there is already one and I missed it).
More packages (like dhall-kubernetes)
… Also, better Terraform/HCL bindings, Ansible integration, or integrations for common CI systems (Jenkins/jenkins-job-builder, CircleCI, GoCD, etc)
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Better performance
better (especially more concise) Error messages
structural editor with auto-completion based on symbols in scope and with automatic let-floating
Speed and ergonomics of the Emacs integration. Currently it’s terribly slow to type check.
Language features:
Ability to import YAML without yaml-to-dhall
nested record updates
Usage unicode chars in imported filenames without quotes
… Also Text/Double operations and possibly comparisons. I understand and agree with the reasons this hasn’t been done, but finding a way to do this without compromising the goal of the language would add so much potential
Formatting improvements:
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Ultimately it was the autoformatter/idomatic formatting of Dhall that turned me off. I wanted my package format to be clear and readable to people new to my project but the idomatic was very messy in my eyes. Here’s a comparison of Dhall and the TCL inspired pkg definition format I came up with: http://gist.github.com/wezm/dfdce829964c410e2c521aa3ca132ddd
Popularity is the big one so I could get away with it more at work. …
… Better docs to educate team members with.
坚果nuts加速器官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 9.坚果加速器破解版nuts坚果加速器破解版永久免费app下载v501 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年11月21日 - 坚果加速器破解版app是一款已经破解了的加速器软件,所有资源都是免费为大家提供的。
Other unassorted responses:
Hard to describe in one line, but an easier way to get values in and out of larger dhall projects (github issue 676 being a symptom of this)
For work maybe a convincing reason to use it in place of yaml. For personal, making it easier to support backward compatiblity in types.
The different type hack for multiple resources in a single Kubernetes file made me drop it, I could’ve never recommended it to my coworkers over worse (as in, worse is better) templating solutions.
Generation of Dhall types from Haskell types; Easier extension with own functions
A nice bidirectional typechecker for less type annotation burden
One thing I checked is if there were any barriers to adoption that we were not aware of:
Would anything encourage you to contribute to the Dhall ecosystem more often?
There were not many common themes that stood out, so I’ll include the responses verbatim:
Maybe some links to resources on how to get started with programming theory (eg. info on type notation for the standard, parser, “compiler”, etc). Basically I feel I probably just need to learn more, but I’m not entirely sure what.
Nope, as a new contributor this year, the Dhall community has been an absolute delight to start contributing to.
better reporting for missing env vars (not one by one)
better personal usecases
No - I already want to do a lot more!
A contributing guide to the haskell implementation
Linked Haskell tutorials and perhaps partial (or early) implementations of dhall features
Perhaps simplified core language? I sometimes think that the language is large and difficult, especially around “safety guarantees” features, and it might make it harder to develop a new language binding.
Using it at work
I found it difficult to generate dhall-kubernetes bindings
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Getting standards for repo layout, documentation, discovery
… and my favorite response was:
There’s a ‘good first issue’ label that’s attached to no issues.
The main thing I concluded from the survey feedback is that people want us to focus on ease of integration, especially language bindings, and especially Python language bindings.
A major change from last year’s feedback was the dramatic drop in requests for better documentation / examples / use cases. People appear to understand the motivation for the language and how to use Dhall to solve their problems and now they care more about streamlining the integration process as much as possible.
If this is your first time hearing about the survey you can still complete the survey:
I receive e-mail notifications when people complete the survey so I will be aware of any feedback you provide this way. Also, completing the survey will let you browse the survey results more easily.
Before concluding this post, I would like to highlight that this year’s survey used approval voting to let people select their preferred language bindings. If you’re a person frustrated with a political system based on first-past-the-post voting, I encourage you to research approval voting as an alternative voting method with a higher power-to-weight ratio (simpler than ranked choice voting and produces better outcomes).